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Ergoactives - From: A001 To: A008 - Ergobaum 7g Royal Foreachrm Crutch Black

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A001 - A008
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A001 Ergobaum 7G Royal ForEachrm Crutch - BlackCase/6
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A001 Ergobaum 7G Royal ForEachrm Crutch - BlackPr/2
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A007 Ergobaum 7G Royal ForEachrm Crutch - GrayCase/6
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A007 Ergobaum 7G Royal ForEachrm Crutch - GrayPr/2
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A001 - A008
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Products Details

Ergobaum 7G Royal ForEachrm Crutch - Black

Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
  1. A1Customer
    Too Tall and Big for Petite Adults
    I am 5'3" and these crutches are too tall for me on their smallest setting though it says they are suitable for adults 5'0" and up. They are set on the lowest peg for height. I am on a no-load cast and have to use these crutches solely on one foot. The arm strap at the elbow doesn't go small enough which makes them wobbly. The hard plastic on which the elbow rests is extremely hard with no padding, and irritates the sensitive nerves in the elbow. That location takes all the stress of one's body weight on one foot, and hits right in the middle of the elbow bone.

    Posted on: | Date:

  2. Alexander
    The spring system in this is amazing.
    These forearm crutches have a totally amazing spring shock system. They are very comfortable over regular forearm crutches with impacts. The feature on this like the LED lights are great as well. The alarm is actually pretty quiet, but it is loud enough to let people in the grocery store know your behind them or other short distances. I think these are really great, but I do have to say they are pretty heavy compared to standard crutches, but the weight to me, is worth it because they have a multidirectional footing that really helps make sure I don't fall or slip with this crutch. If you use

    Posted on: | Date:

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Manufacturer Ergoactives
Code A001 - A008
Store Mobility Equipment|Online Living Aids
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Ergoactives - From: A001 To: A008 - Ergobaum 7g Royal Foreachrm Crutch Black