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Fabrication Enterprises - Waxwel - From: 11-1716-36 To: 11-1716-6 - Paraffin 36 X 1 Lb Blocks Citrus Fragrance

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11-1716-36 - 11-1716-6
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11-1716-36 WaxWel Paraffin - 36 x 1-lb Blocks - Citrus FragranceEach
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11-1716-6 WaxWel Paraffin - 6 x 1-lb Blocks - Citrus FragranceEach
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11-1716-36 - 11-1716-6
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WaxWel Paraffin - 36 x 1-lb Blocks - Citrus Fragrance
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
  1. Mary
    Great Scent-Great Purchase
    The apple spice scent is very light and refreshing. Not over powering at all. The wax beads melt quickly in my Paraffin Bath unit. Following the treatment I placed my hands into plastic bags and cover them with a heated towel as well. The wax was easy to

    Posted on: | Date:

  2. deflyboy
    The same product that my Occupational Therapist uses.
    This is exactly the same product that my Occupational Therapist uses in her practice. Works fine on my hand. The bath of paraffin coats my hand evenly and has pleasant oder. The paraffin comes in small beads so it melt quickly. Highly recommend.

    Posted on: | Date:

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Manufacturer Fabrication Enterprises
Brand WaxWel
Code 11-1716-36 - 11-1716-6
Store Lay Off Pain|Stomabags
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Fabrication Enterprises - Waxwel - From: 11-1716-36 To: 11-1716-6 - Paraffin 36 X 1 Lb Blocks Citrus Fragrance