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Health King Medicinal Teas - 417915 - Health King Reishi Liver Guard Herb Tea - 20 Tea Bags

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description health king reishi liver guard herb tea description herb of immortality detoxify the liver and tonify the lung 100 natural reishi liver guar herb tea with excellent flavor is made of the famous reishi mushroom mushroom of immortality naturally grown in northeast china and astragalus seed from northwest china reishi mushroom and astragali seed contain ergosterol coumarin ganoderic acid polysaccharides acidic amino acids vitamin a etc chinese medicine uses their detoxifying expectorant and other qualities for liver related conditions excellent tonic for liver and lung vitality and immunity support disclaimer these statements have not been evaluated by the fda these products are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease
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Manufacturer Health King Medicinal Teas
Code 239014
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HCPCS 646322000146
Product Size 20 BAG
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Health King Medicinal Teas - 417915 - Health King Reishi Liver Guard Herb Tea - 20 Tea Bags
