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Hygenic - Thera-Band - 27313 - Shoulder Pulley, Bulk, Box Of 12 Shoulder Pulleys In Individual Poly Bags, Accompanied By Use & Safety Instructions (12 Ea/Cs) (Hy , 023742)

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The pulley, which anchors to the top of a door or at any point along a standard door jamb for ease of use, has distinct black marks on the rope to make clinician instructions clearer and patient progress more obvious. By using these black marks, you can now prescribe and progress pulleys the same way you do bands and other progressive tools. Pulley also includes instructions.
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Customer Reviews
  1. Harry D.
    Had right shoulder surgery a month ago. Doc wanted me to go to PT. Told him didn't want to go to PT because I was afraid they would push me and tear the repairs he made. and a friend had the same surgery by a different doc and he was put in a sling for 6 weeks and is having a terrible time with PT. (I was only in a sling for a week because my doc doesn't want your arm to "lock up".) I told him my friend is on your pully at home (he had surgery in May!) and he said pullies are great. Just started using it a few days ago and will be going back to the doc in 2 weeks. He'll evaluate my progress bu

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  2. Jerry L.
    It's outstanding. Don't let the low price fool you... this product is absolutely
    I had a complete shoulder joint replacement surgery 9 weeks ago. Rehab for that procedure requires serious dedication and daily routines. My PT has a device very similar to this one, and I've found it an essential tool. I knew I needed something like it for my home routine and chose this product. I was leery, simply because it's so inexpensive. But the product is absolutely rock solid in quality and function. It's nearly as good as the professional equipment at my PT's gym! The door fit is 100% secure and never slips. The pulley is unbelievably smooth and rotates flawlessly as I change arm pos

    Posted on: | Date:

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Manufacturer Hygenic
Brand Thera-Band
Code 27313
Store Lay Off Pain
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Hygenic - Thera-Band - 27313 - Shoulder Pulley, Bulk, Box Of 12 Shoulder Pulleys In Individual Poly Bags, Accompanied By Use & Safety Instructions (12 Ea/Cs) (Hy , 023742)